Let me twist Hephaestus LOVE life

Kenya Nanjo
2 min readAug 21, 2023

My old self supported Hephaestus and Aphrodite’s love life and then changed my mind. Their marriage didn’t go well, and the Goddess of Beauty would cheat on her husband without him knowing. In one of the versions, they’re divorced. I do feel sad about why she did it, but…eh…I blame Zeus. He was afraid, too, in one of the versions. That big ol’ almighty god arranges a husband without giving her an opinion. Aphrodite wants Ares, not Hephaestus. In short, I lose interest in them as a couple, but they’re still dear in my heart.

Continuing onto the suitors for Hephaestus, not Aglaea, sorry, I’m now interested in Athena’s Goddess of War and Wisdom. Through my online and book research, I learned they were married once in the Roman version. Historically, some temples were built for them together while sharing the same month. The reason why these worshippers put the two in two is that they’re associated with handicrafts. That was the reason these two peak my interest as a couple.

There are many retellings nowadays from Greek Mythology had me inspired. My version, retold, like every book and comic I read and fell in love with.

Hephaestus and Athena are friends, a good dynamic, I’ll say, common taste in hobbies like weapons. They would often meet in the workshop and will do, if it wasn’t for Aphrodite’s rage. An arrow from Eros, under his mother’s command, almost damaged their friendship, wanting to ruin Hephaestus after being humiliated under the golden net with the God of War. It caused him to almost take advantage of the Goddess of War and Wisdom.

A child was born with the help of Gaia, in a mixture of the two, after a partial fall on earth. Without Hephaestu’s knowledge, Athena took the child and raised him as her own. So begin a relationship I’m excited to write.



Kenya Nanjo

I enjoy writing genres that are either fantasy, romance, supernatural, and paranormal, also adding a bit of action.